Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Lucent Mote
51 50 -7 -13.3% 950,989 2,186,137 865,690 842,630 1,034,913 1,447,179
Piece of Candy Corn
112 104 -9 -8.46% 2,818,437 8,112,047 782,817 343,479 513,662 586,271
Large Bone
56 54 -6 -11.9% 6,279,386 2,452,613 558,654 167,161 510,113 363,466
Potent Potion of Sons of Svanir Slaying
166 154 -13 -8.38% 1,954,794 131,617 512,795 271,805 16,034 30,451
+1 Agony Infusion
15 12 1 6.25% 15,367,824 10,988,069 450,614 286,108 625,748 494,446
Silk Scrap
24 23 -3 -11.3% 17,721,230 5,151,586 430,876 596,185 1,143,089 879,075
Mithril Ore
52 51 -7 -13.3% 20,041,276 12,134,317 414,200 477,763 1,155,833 1,237,358
Piece of Unidentified Gear
233 232 -34 -14.6% 1,613,418 1,034,267 392,466 333,492 1,913,432 2,311,296
Glob of Ectoplasm
3599 3336 -277 -8.30% 392,768 345,645 389,510 414,840 118,224 111,956
Elder Wood Log
34 33 -4 -12.4% 12,643,121 4,293,025 363,123 473,499 1,159,980 911,031
Mithril Ingot
115 104 -6 -6.01% 1,711,556 599,467 334,422 331,154 267,746 215,372
Thick Leather Section
26 25 -3 -11.6% 5,602,862 686,326 314,504 302,548 860,756 693,829
Trick-or-Treat Bag
671 540 30 5.62% 2,062,179 432,784 311,268 182,831 61,332 99,067
Large Claw
55 54 -7 -13.4% 12,205,311 2,212,072 277,166 144,603 475,043 416,975
Large Fang
56 54 -6 -11.9% 16,556,734 2,411,712 238,926 202,060 522,194 383,741
140 132 -13 -9.85% 12,837,315 1,086,771 227,446 167,742 116,507 92,182
Elder Wood Plank
108 96 -4 -4.38% 5,508,992 94,679 224,993 198,875 101,284 103,050
Pile of Incandescent Dust
152 144 -15 -10.3% 1,426,458 1,635,631 214,110 159,873 454,812 389,701
Piece of Common Unidentified Gear
96 94 -12 -13.2% 3,351,992 2,131,607 201,597 228,754 1,372,223 1,662,294
Large Scale
60 56 -5 -8.93% 1,680,542 1,183,501 179,461 128,902 448,151 413,304
Bolt of Silk
90 77 -1 -0.65% 1,629,277 276,730 178,990 184,567 126,165 75,378
Potent Venom Sac
71 62 -2 -2.66% 16,086,598 1,424,915 174,966 189,445 351,873 224,793
Intricate Totem
168 159 -16 -10.2% 740,965 658,630 167,786 166,306 426,298 530,499
Quartz Crystal
320 312 -40 -12.8% 3,384,587 797,525 165,596 259,253 62,384 47,474
Green Wood Log
15 10 3 27.5% 7,119,916 2,541,542 160,537 91,313 132,743 106,379

25 Items | 6485 | 5968 | -456 | -7.64%