Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Hearty Soft Wood Warhorn
191 44 118 268% 192 874 0 0 1 0
Ravaging Steam Mace
250 61 152 248% 87 874 0 0 0 0
Strong Cabalist Coat of the Flame Legion
6989 996 4945 496% 913 873 1 1 2 0
Strong Apprentice Coat
105 63 26 41.7% 259 873 0 0 1 0
Precise Iron Spear
999996 3336 846661 25k% 4 873 0 0 0 0
Shaman's Norn Warhorn of Energy
2912 1911 564 29.5% 87 873 0 2 46 0
Knight's Feathered Gloves
2150 150 1678 1k% 200 873 0 1 3 0
Ravaging Great Steamblade
439 89 284 319% 66 873 0 0 0 0
Assassin's Prowler Gloves
498 291 132 45.5% 134 873 0 3 0 3
Strong Cabalist Shoulders of Dwayna
1787 319 1200 376% 252 872 0 0 1 1
Mighty Soft Wood Focus
220 19 168 884% 480 872 4 4 5 0
Berserker's Longbow
519 47 394 838% 89 872 0 0 0 0
Ravaging Swindler Gloves
108 55 37 66.9% 182 872 1 1 4 0
Magi's Full Moon Scepter
2552 2280 -111 -4.86% 434 872 10 21 65 661
Berserker's Mithril Dagger
1574 212 1126 531% 634 871 0 0 0 0
Precise Soft Wood Scepter
69 23 36 155% 240 871 0 1 0 0
Strong Iron Greatsword
130 77 34 43.5% 290 871 0 0 0 0
Knight's Krait Handgun
4404 2623 1120 42.7% 244 871 4 1 1 1
Tiger's Eye Copper Stud
1759 116 1379 1k% 491 871 10 0 1 0
Snowflake Platinum Earring
2497 572 1550 271% 2,106 871 0 0 2 3
Magi's Full Moon Pistol
2476 2080 25 1.18% 488 871 34 31 62 571
Pot of Orrian Truffle Soup
22999 4334 15215 351% 58 870 0 2 3 5
Strong Iron Rifle
285 85 157 185% 112 870 0 1 4 0
Recipe: Nomad's Emblazoned Coat
21 5 13 257% 4,158 870 1 7 1 0
Hearty Soft Wood Short Bow
200 72 98 136% 156 870 6 3 2 0

25 Items | 1055130 | 19860 | 877001 | 4k%