Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Cleric's Soft Wood Scepter of Hobbling
2995 1544 1002 64.9% 99 652 0 0 14 0
Strong Rawhide Vest
500 119 306 257% 601 651 0 0 0 0
Strong Chainmail Shoulders
300 48 207 431% 102 651 0 0 0 0
Berserker's Pearl Needler
17791 4701 10421 221% 204 651 1 2 9 6
Vigorous Steel Spear
1017 205 659 321% 250 651 0 0 1 0
Strong Intricate Cotton Insignia
5047 2747 1543 56.2% 299 651 0 0 3 0
Recipe: Giver's Intricate Linen Insignia
251 163 50 30.9% 13,972 651 0 1 8 0
Recipe: Nomad's Pearl Needler
33 3 25 835% 2,643 651 0 0 2 0
Dire Scallywag Chest of Grenth
8895 4002 3559 88.9% 117 651 0 2 0 0
Assassin's Noble Shoulders
8885 2001 5551 277% 120 651 2 2 28 29
Magi's Draconic Legs
11495 8027 1744 21.7% 269 651 2 15 13 6
Nika's Boots
10471 7052 1848 26.2% 620 651 66 57 65 51
Bandit Spire
5407 1829 2767 151% 1,873 650 3 5 24 0
Hearty Soft Wood Torch of Accuracy
195 109 57 52.1% 95 650 0 0 1 0
Ravaging Steam Shield
185 37 120 325% 152 650 1 0 0 0
Cavalier's Rogue Pauldrons
2695 2201 90 4.08% 148 650 5 0 38 20
Snowflake Mithril Ring
7000 1600 4350 271% 168 650 0 2 0 33
Shrouded Bench of the Final Judge
2000000 1322464 377536 28.5% 34 650 2 0 0 1
Glitched Adventure Scepter
58767 33033 16919 51.2% 249 650 0 1 0 1
Haimi's Jousting Halter of the Rebirth
6193 3895 1369 35.1% 1,077 650 10 16 5 5
Strong Soft Wood Torch of Chilling
1648 501 900 179% 497 649 0 0 0 0
Cleric's Masquerade Boots
5010 1910 2349 122% 148 649 1 2 43 0
Hearty Soft Wood Scepter
200 95 75 78.9% 351 649 0 0 0 0
Knight's Pearl Conch
6992 4503 1440 32.0% 364 649 1 3 1 0
Knight's Darksteel Rifle
3577 191 2849 1k% 142 649 0 0 0 0

25 Items | 2165549 | 1402980 | 437737 | 31.2%