Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Berserker's Masquerade Leggings
11600 2057 7803 379% 322 583 1 1 0 0
Healing Shiverpeak Arquebus
105 24 65 271% 166 583 0 0 0 0
Knight's Darksteel Greatsword
3060 646 1955 302% 309 583 0 0 1 0
Mending Shiverpeak Short Bow
308 85 177 208% 80 583 0 0 0 0
Strong Apprentice Pants
93 43 36 83.8% 96 582 1 0 1 0
Strong Iron Rifle of Hobbling
1327 527 601 114% 720 582 0 2 0 0
Cleric's Masquerade Raiments
7572 3039 3397 111% 157 582 2 3 0 0
Rampager's Soft Wood Scepter of Venom
3577 2243 797 35.6% 1,630 582 1 18 57 38
Cleric's Iron Hammer of Peril
1482 308 952 308% 99 582 0 2 2 0
Carrion Flame Staff of Air
2544 2303 -141 -6.11% 2,546 582 2 2 15 4
Apothecary's Masquerade Raiments
14984 3308 9428 285% 191 582 4 0 2 1
Magi's Aureate Staff
2699 1933 361 18.7% 2,354 582 2 6 40 11
Magi's Pearl Conch
6500 3745 1780 47.5% 164 582 3 6 6 5
Warbeast Hardened Shoulderguard Panel
14596 6847 5560 81.2% 565 582 0 1 0 0
Vital Swindler Pauldrons
86 25 48 192% 264 581 0 1 0 0
Iron Scale Boot Lining
18 7 8 118% 2,920 581 0 4 11 0
Strong Soft Wood Warhorn of Fire
1299 296 808 273% 291 581 0 1 0 0
Recipe: Celestial Pearl Sabre
495 320 101 31.5% 600 581 2 7 0 0
Valkyrie Krait Slayer
3000 2438 112 4.59% 13,626 581 0 0 35 0
Mending Shiverpeak Warhorn
204 62 111 179% 96 581 0 0 0 0
Ritualist's Ancient Canthan Gambeson
3625 2430 651 26.8% 327 581 4 11 16 22
Magi's Skyforged Focus
2564 2203 -24 -1.07% 375 581 7 13 63 164
Berserker's Rawhide Boots
60 46 5 10.9% 302 580 0 1 2 0
Strong Apprentice Coat
629 29 506 2k% 1,588 580 0 1 1 0
Strong Soft Wood Scepter
157 63 70 111% 182 580 0 0 0 0

25 Items | 82584 | 35027 | 35169 | 100%