Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Cleric's Pearl Impaler
18414 4214 11438 271% 331 416 0 3 0 5
Rampager's Iron Hammer of Ogre Slaying
3529 2264 736 32.5% 1,458 416 15 13 22 68
Dire Ceremonial Morning Star of Rage
5069 2898 1411 48.7% 214 416 2 1 4 6
Strong Rawhide Mask
39 21 12 57.9% 275 415 0 1 0 0
Berserker's Rawhide Leggings
124 100 5 5.40% 196 415 0 0 0 0
Honed Iron Spear
1329 222 908 408% 112 415 3 0 0 0
Malign Steamblade
708 24 578 2k% 499 415 0 1 1 0
Zealot's Pearl Conch
65000 3800 51450 1k% 68 415 0 0 0 0
Rampager's Iron Spear of Serpent Slaying
144490 1991 120826 6k% 15 415 0 0 0 0
Ravaging Steam Short Bow
222 89 100 112% 102 415 0 0 0 0
Magi's Emblazoned Helm
18889 7056 9000 127% 96 415 4 26 48 17
Berserker's Banded Pauldrons of Balthazar
3625 730 2351 322% 140 414 2 1 0 0
Strong Apprentice Gloves
77 40 25 63.6% 120 414 0 1 3 0
Vigorous Student Leggings
2552 222 1947 877% 153 414 1 0 1 0
Berserker's Pearl Impaler
70958 50018 10296 20.6% 165 414 26 31 36 35
Shaman's Norn Greatsword of Energy
3006 1940 615 31.7% 146 414 0 3 45 0
Carrion Reinforced Scale Boots
75 71 -7 -10.2% 2,928 414 0 12 0 0
Cleric's Pearl Rod
6592 3676 1927 52.4% 153 414 1 1 0 5
Apothecary's Mithril Sword
4444 763 3014 395% 902 414 5 1 1 0
Zhed's Coat
6268 3231 2097 64.9% 1,340 414 96 88 102 285
Shimmering Aurora Pistol Skin
429995 257739 107757 41.8% 231 414 6 3 5 4
Strong Magician Boots
98 53 30 57.2% 340 413 1 2 6 0
Strong Rawhide Bracers
115 26 72 275% 342 413 0 0 0 0
Honed Seasoned Wood Longbow
1060 162 739 456% 245 413 0 0 0 0
Honed Iron Sword
152 53 76 143% 297 413 0 1 8 0

25 Items | 786830 | 341403 | 327403 | 95.9%