Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Ruby Shard
55 53 -6 -11.8% 106,430 1,689 6,978 1,373 4,590 6,055
Strong Chainmail Gauntlets
150 34 94 275% 109 1,688 0 0 1 0
Rabid Verdant Staff
2701 2122 174 8.19% 1,475 1,688 1 1 10 35
Dire Conjurer Chest of Rata Sum
2645 2557 -309 -12.1% 534 1,688 0 7 359 262
Berserker's Iron Sword of Serpent Slaying
2572 2406 -220 -9.14% 4,664 1,687 72 13 74 104
Hunter's Seasoned Wood Torch
2004 113 1590 1k% 198 1,686 0 0 0 1
Berserker's Scepter
135 62 53 85.1% 173 1,684 0 0 2 0
Berserker's Rawhide Vest
430 63 303 480% 780 1,683 0 0 0 0
Pot of Curry Pumpkin Soup
12300 3183 7272 228% 352 1,683 8 0 0 0
Strong Axe
200 33 137 415% 64 1,683 0 0 1 0
Cleric's Conjurer Mask of Divinity
2666 2597 -331 -12.7% 591 1,683 0 12 160 310
Vigorous Student Mantle
90 82 -6 -6.71% 446 1,682 0 1 1 0
Mighty Soft Wood Scepter
75 18 46 254% 336 1,680 0 0 0 0
Vigorous Splint Greaves
7999 242 6557 3k% 93 1,679 0 50 0 17
Cleric's Banded Greaves of Lyssa
2644 2302 -55 -2.37% 552 1,679 14 20 61 72
Superior Rune of the Thief
16598 12303 1805 14.7% 1,446 1,677 65 64 43 43
Strong Iron Greatsword of Bloodlust
772 99 557 562% 865 1,677 9 7 6 0
Berserker's Rawhide Mask
420 55 302 549% 340 1,676 0 4 0 0
Strong Chainmail Shoulders
609 28 490 2k% 78 1,675 0 1 0 0
Cleric's Mithril Pistol
719 120 491 409% 155 1,675 0 1 1 0
Rampager's Amulet
2599 2000 209 10.5% 905 1,675 5 17 56 83
Cleric's Iron Sword of Accuracy
2589 2509 -308 -12.3% 4,532 1,675 0 114 65 228
Seasoned Short-Bow Stave
1900 718 897 124% 11,290 1,674 12 6 0 3
Strong Soft Wood Torch
199 45 124 275% 136 1,673 0 0 2 0
Honed Iron Dagger of Grawl Slaying
418 78 277 355% 396 1,672 2 1 2 0

25 Items | 63489 | 33822 | 20144 | 59.6%