Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Pungent Jacaranda Bloom
863 496 238 47.9% 5,524 54,984 89 342 635 539
Plate of Coriander Crusted Meat Dinner
294 149 101 67.7% 49,907 54,907 250 7 0 0
Trebuchet Blueprint
647 463 87 18.8% 51,484 53,815 3,286 15,050 31,784 23,535
Unstable Hide
128 127 -18 -14.3% 112,052 53,738 456 291 2,897 2,450
271 236 -6 -2.39% 49,028 53,681 7,985 3,945 7,511 6,176
261 226 -4 -1.84% 189,000 53,600 40,318 27,413 13,181 12,889
Bowl of Garlic Spinach Sautee
238 140 62 44.5% 5,117 53,477 0 34 20 0
Slice of Spiced Bread
274 162 71 43.8% 3,796 53,366 2 3 4 50
Chocolate Raspberry Cookie
287 187 57 30.5% 4,036 53,292 1 4 6 0
Cherry Almond Bar
267 168 59 35.1% 28,967 53,256 9 5 59 0
Triktiki Omelet
661 183 379 207% 907 53,087 1 1 0 0
Horseradish Burger
419 159 197 123% 4,990 52,537 0 5 4 0
Bowl of Cabbage and Chickpea Salad
221 158 30 18.9% 22,029 52,494 0 2 0 0
Corrupted Fragment
39 33 0 0.45% 150,068 52,491 511 193 434 0
Feldspar Core
29 28 -3 -12.0% 23,138 52,128 0 89 377 38
Bowl of Chili and Avocado
264 164 60 36.8% 4,221 52,038 0 0 39 0
Memory of Aurene
4916 4414 -235 -5.33% 42,890 52,019 18,280 15,966 21,332 16,865
Princess Miya's Wig
13167 3794 7398 194% 1,940 51,950 0 3 51 0
Drop of Magic Glue
177 34 116 342% 41,767 51,429 0 0 0 0
Potent Potion of Centaur Slaying
167 145 -3 -2.10% 342,348 50,630 8,305 12,129 2,029 48
Spool of Cotton Thread
65 15 40 268% 91,464 50,593 11,125 4,768 2,044 3,250
870 699 41 5.79% 77,176 50,225 20,937 22,162 8,220 9,411
Chocolate Mint Cookie
400 196 144 73.5% 4,588 49,925 23 0 4 30
Beryl Crystal
204 159 14 9.06% 83,731 49,809 13,031 9,732 26,062 41,343
Dragonfish Candy
41 26 9 34.0% 398,919 49,760 1,418 749 854 50

25 Items | 25170 | 12561 | 8834 | 70.3%