Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Plate of Coriander Crusted Meat Dinner
294 149 101 67.7% 49,903 54,907 316 3 3 0
260 236 -15 -6.36% 51,730 54,781 5,963 5,633 7,132 6,585
255 207 10 4.71% 195,753 54,173 32,824 41,735 12,780 12,810
Pile of Soybeans
58 52 -3 -5.19% 84,035 54,165 16,341 34,773 21,671 13,826
Unstable Hide
127 126 -18 -14.3% 112,178 53,621 653 303 2,994 2,186
Bowl of Garlic Spinach Sautee
238 140 62 44.5% 5,117 53,479 0 36 46 0
Slice of Spiced Bread
274 162 71 43.8% 3,795 53,366 2 2 10 50
Trebuchet Blueprint
493 451 -32 -7.08% 51,659 53,365 5,156 10,995 26,892 43,817
Chocolate Raspberry Cookie
287 187 57 30.5% 4,036 53,292 1 4 6 0
Cherry Almond Bar
267 168 59 35.1% 28,971 53,256 0 5 69 0
Triktiki Omelet
662 183 380 207% 906 53,087 1 0 0 0
Horseradish Burger
419 159 197 123% 4,974 52,539 0 6 3 0
Corrupted Fragment
39 33 0 0.45% 150,036 52,520 776 181 419 0
Bowl of Cabbage and Chickpea Salad
222 158 31 19.4% 22,028 52,494 0 1 0 0
Feldspar Core
29 28 -3 -12.0% 23,127 52,164 0 86 369 38
Bowl of Chili and Avocado
264 164 60 36.8% 4,221 52,038 0 4 207 0
Princess Miya's Wig
13167 3794 7398 194% 1,940 51,950 0 3 54 0
Memory of Aurene
4997 4414 -167 -3.77% 42,984 51,524 18,202 15,183 21,078 17,421
Drop of Magic Glue
177 34 116 342% 41,767 51,429 0 0 0 0
Potent Potion of Centaur Slaying
167 145 -3 -2.10% 343,691 51,356 7,933 12,017 1,441 48
Spool of Cotton Thread
64 15 39 262% 93,865 50,343 7,800 6,084 2,278 3,000
Chocolate Mint Cookie
400 196 144 73.5% 4,588 49,925 23 4 4 30
Dragonfish Candy
40 26 8 30.8% 399,035 49,919 1,394 746 1,013 130
Holographic Dragon Wing Cover
1199995 949512 70484 7.42% 101 49,674 1 0 1 1
Marinated Mushroom
133 27 86 318% 15,731 49,438 110 4 1 0

25 Items | 1223328 | 960766 | 79063 | 8.23%