Image Name Sell Buy Profit ROI Supply Demand Sold Offers Bought Bids
Ugly Wool Sock
81 80 -11 -13.9% 139,794 722,770 4 222 251 500
Shard of Glory
559 446 29 6.54% 331,972 719,050 83,784 78,374 54,292 70,822
Handful of Red Lentils
67 60 -3 -5.08% 124,605 568,045 26,960 31,748 45,864 29,192
Orichalcum Ore
236 223 -22 -10.0% 668,047 560,506 70,688 75,740 100,746 108,943
Fried Golden Dumpling
23 8 12 144% 319,135 558,846 2,527 2,095 2,157 5,500
Cup of Spiced Apple Cider
8 7 0 -2.86% 4,616,852 558,663 20,277 25,623 39,040 14,894
Dragon Ball Champion's Divine Lucky Envelope
219997 137232 49765 36.3% 200 530,058 3 1 0 1
Pile of Flax Seeds
232 228 -31 -13.5% 946,920 529,268 101,035 108,967 97,300 162,011
Super Loot Bag
17441 13802 1023 7.41% 17,811 528,508 994 758 304 545
Pile of Glittering Dust
75 71 -7 -10.2% 132,970 527,974 11,672 12,860 32,568 16,291
Choya Spine
10 2 7 325% 175,880 519,572 1,075 2,173 1,286 1,673
Glob of Ectoplasm
3112 2911 -266 -9.13% 493,668 501,551 282,165 237,464 89,815 90,538
Delicate Snowflake
172 161 -15 -9.19% 262,453 500,195 147 49 251 1,094
Piece of Candy Corn Almond Brittle
262 170 53 31% 170,438 488,489 530 1,406 502 1,739
Bolt of Silk
50 42 1 1.19% 2,675,287 488,012 111,444 146,864 82,357 187,453
99 81 3 3.89% 223,189 486,369 2,568 3,944 3,673 3,922
Bone Chip
56 54 -6 -11.9% 113,377 463,043 4,583 6,273 20,353 31,312
89 65 11 16.4% 269,711 456,290 7,903 8,024 6,419 1,750
Linen Scrap
28 27 -3 -11.9% 2,191,538 448,018 45,174 61,176 41,736 41,703
Antique Summoning Stone
19257 17314 -946 -5.46% 11,100 445,389 6,705 5,037 5,037 6,208
Choir Bell
2 1 1 70% 3,384,366 439,214 1,554 1,199 0 0
Tiny Fang
12 11 -1 -7.27% 647,398 393,507 13,005 9,024 19,538 21,733
Glass of Buttered Spirits
12 7 3 45.7% 4,585,607 391,745 13,867 75,833 30,263 26,377
Flame Ram Blueprint
997 894 -47 -5.21% 15,513 388,278 284 1,676 1,650 679
Stick of Butter
340 333 -44 -13.2% 472,809 388,024 10,382 8,032 18,465 13,763

25 Items | 263217 | 174230 | 49504 | 28.4%